Monday, October 10, 2005

Free State Project

Everyone may already be aware of this but -

Some freedom-minded people have started a program called the "Free State Project - Liberty in our lifetime". The plan centered around this program is to have 20,000 people move from wherever they are in the US to New Hampshire where they will become a politically active group that will fight to reject federal aid and massively cut the size of state and local governments there. They picked New Hampshire because it has one of the lowest tax rates in the country and probably because it has a fairly low population, so 20,000 people might actually make a difference.

After the plan works, other states should follow suit in the cutting the size of government through the enormous economic growth that should take place in New Hampshire. I'd also expect a large increase in wages and a large number of people moving to New Hampshire looking for work...

The project already has over 6,000 signatures, pledging to either move to New Hampshire now or move there when the number reaches 20,000.

"Galt's Gulch" might be in New England in a few years...


At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I visit New Hampshire on a roughly biannual basis, and I have to say that I get a strange political vibe from the people in larger areas like Manchester and Nashua. Asking for someone's opinion on an issue is likely to garner a heated response, regardless of what side of said issue they are on. It feels as if many of the people there are devoted to modern liberalism mostly because of ignorance that can be remedied, and those devoted to the Republican cause are not that distant from the classical liberals of old, they just need some convincing to join the Libertarian movement. Given these factors, I think NH makes a decent choice for such a project, thakns to the comibination of the small population you have mentioned, and that the propensity to accept Libertarian ideals is greater there than perhaps in any other state with a small enough population to be affected by the influx.


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